Your living space will look brighter, fresher and livelier with more natural light. Bringing sunshine indoors through windows or doors can also benefit your overall well-being. Here are reasons to welcome more sunlight into your home and ways to do it.

Why Bring More Natural Light Into Your Home
Health Benefits
Natural light can improve productivity, boost mood, reduce stress and alleviate anxiety. Getting some daily sun can encourage your body’s vitamin D production. This nutrient is essential to keeping your bones and immune system healthy. Another thing sunlight can do is help you sleep better by regulating your circadian rhythm.
Energy Savings
Allowing more sunshine indoors will reduce your reliance on artificial light. As a result, you will enjoy savings on your energy costs.
Aesthetic Appeal
Your home will look more open and inviting with plenty of natural light. It can create the illusion of space, making rooms larger than they are. Moreover, ample lighting can also improve the safety and comfort of your home.
How to Bring More Natural Light Into Your Home
Replace Old Windows
Natural light will flood your indoor spaces through new windows. They can elevate the look of your humble abode, increasing its curb appeal. Many modern window replacement options have energy-efficient features, such as multipane glass, low-emissivity coatings and insulated frame materials. They can make rooms easier to heat and cool, reducing utility costs.
Trim Nearby Shrubs and Trees
Are there trees and shrubs surrounding your property? Keeping them trimmed will protect your home’s exterior from damage, especially during storms. Without overgrown branches, more sunshine will enter your indoor spaces.
Adorn Your Space With Reflective Materials
You can invite more natural light into your home with reflective materials. Well-placed mirrors can make rooms appear more spacious. If you are repainting your interior, choose a light color with a high-gloss finish. Are you giving your kitchen a refresh? Consider highly-reflective tiles for the backsplash.
Illuminate and increase the appeal of your home with Renewal by Andersen® of Northwest Ohio’s high-quality replacement windows. We install energy-efficient windows and doors protected by comprehensive warranties. Call us at (419) 931-6970 or complete our online form to schedule a free consultation. We serve clients in Toledo, Ohio, and nearby areas.